نمایش اطلاعات ثبت شده فرم نمایش اطلاعات ثبت شده فرم

The Cinekid Festival is the largest international film, television, and new media festival for children aged 3 to 14 held at the Westergasfabriek in Amsterdam, Netherlands. It started as a small children's film festival and has now grown into a large organization that develops activities for children in the areas of film, television, and new media throughout the year. These activities are presented alongside the festival, whereas the festival itself screens films from all over the world and a selection of the best television programs for children. It also organizes several new media activities. Each year the festival is attended by over 50,000 children, parents, and (international) guests.
The Torino Film Festival was born in 1982 as an International Youth Cinema Festival, or more simply Youth Cinema. Founded by Professor Gianni Rondolino, the festival stands out from the beginning for its attention to new forms and new trends in cinema, becoming a reference reality in Italy and abroad. Year after year it establishes itself as a place dedicated to supporting independent cinema, first and second works, documentary production and linguistic experimentation, as well as carrying out research work on the history of cinema through numerous and in-depth retrospectives.
Started in 1997, the Tallinn Black Nights Film Festival has grown into one of the biggest film festivals in Northern Europe and busiest regional industry platforms, hosting more than 1000 guests and industry delegates and over 160 journalists. The festival screens around 250 features and more than 300 shorts and animations and sees an attendance of 80 000 people annually.

As of 2014, the festival holds the FIAPF accreditation for holding an international competition program which puts the festival into the so- called A-category of film festivals, alongside other 14 festivals in the world.
The century-old film culture and film industry has wrought a rich film and cultural foundation for the city of Shanghai. In 1993, the Shanghai International Film Festival (SIFF) was born in the tide of reform and opening up. In 1994, it was recognized by the International Federation of Film Producers Associations as the first and only international non-specialized competitive film festival in China.
The Karlovy Vary International Film Festival is the largest film festival in the Czech Republic and the most prestigious such festival in Central and Eastern Europe. It is one of the oldest A-list film festivals (i.e., non-specialized festivals with a competition for feature-length fiction films), a category it shares with the festivals in Cannes, Berlin, Venice, San Sebastian, Moscow, Montreal, Shanghai, and Tokyo. Among filmmakers, buyers, distributors, sales agents, and journalists, KVIFF is considered the most important event in all of Central and Eastern Europe.
Abstracts of up to 500 words should be sent to: 2022conference@isils.net by 31 October 2021. All received abstracts will be read by a joint committee including senior members of ISILS and the Governance Programme at AKU-ISMC. The committee will select twenty abstracts. Acceptance letters will be sent out by 30 November 2021.

If selected, each paper will be allocated 20 minutes for presentation at the conference. The conference language is English. At the time of the conference, all speakers must be ISILS members (for membership dues: www.isils.net).

Speakers are expected to attend the entirety of the conference. Accommodation and meals will be provided by the Governance Programme at AKU-ISMC. A limited fund to support scholars who do not have access to institutional funding will be available to cover travel costs. Please indicate if you need this financial support when applying. Speakers should however operate on the assumption that funds for travel to and from the conference are their responsibility.

We are aiming at holding the conference in person at the Aga Khan Centre in London, but we are also looking to accommodate presentations by speakers who will not be able to travel because of COVID restrictions.

Key dates:

Deadline for abstracts: 31 October 2021

Acceptance letters: 30 November 2021

Conference: 19-21 May 2022
If you wish to participate in the conference, please send an email to team@idhn.org with a preliminary title, abstract (150-300 words), and your academic affiliation. The deadline has been extended to Friday, October 15, 2021.
We will select four to six presentations for our conference. Each presentation will be 20 minutes long and followed by Q&A for 10 minutes.
We will hold the meeting online on ZOOM; the access code and link will be sent to you in the network’s newsletter. We will schedule our conference to accommodate presenters from all time zones. This schedule will correspond with the morning hours in the Americas and evening hours in Europe and the Middle East.
اين کنفرانس تأملي تاريخي در مورد نسخه قاهره اي از قرآن ارائه مي دهد که تحت نظارت کميته الازهر در سال 1924 ساخته شده است و همچنين به عنوان "نسخه ملک فواد" شناخته مي شود. اين نسخه که سه سال ديگر صدمين سالگرد خود را جشن مي گيرد، چندين نسخه ديگر در مصر و جاهاي ديگر پيش از آن منتشر شد. در جوامع اسلامي مدرن و معاصر و در مطالعات قرآني از نيمه دوم قرن بيستم، به ويژه در مطالعات نسخ خطي، از اهميت بسيار بالايي برخوردار است. نسخه قاهره نسخه اي از متن قرآن را به مسلمانان و دانشمندان اسلام ارائه مي دهد که به تدريج به محبوب ترين مرجع مذهبي، مذهبي و آکادميک در جهان اسلام تبديل خواهد شد. با وجود تکثير نسخه‌هاي علمي نسخه‌هاي خطي قديمي قرآن در بيست سال گذشته، محبوبيت نسخه قاهره قرآن هرگز به چالش کشيده نشده است. در مقابل، بسياري از مطالعات در مورد قرآن از نسخه قاهره به عنوان مرجع دانشگاهي و به عنوان نقطه مقايسه براي تأکيد بر ويژگي هاي نسخه هاي خطي قديمي استفاده مي کنند.
نسخه قاهره بيش از اينکه يک پديده مذهبي تنها براي مسلمانان باشد، ريشه در بافت سياسي و تمدني خاص اوايل قرن بيستم دارد. بنابراين، ظهور نسخه قاهره داراي اهميتي است که فراتر از حوزه اعتقادي است و جايگاه مهمي در تاريخ تمدن اسلامي دارد، از جمله: تاريخ نهادها، تاريخ مادي، تاريخ انديشه ديني و تاريخ معارف اسلامي.
Proposals should be sent in the form of a one-page abstract, before May 15ᵗʰ, 2021, by email to secretariat@ideo-cairo.org (subject of the email: “Proposal for the Cairo Qurʾān conference”).

While being open to the public, this conference is conceived as a place for work and scientific debate. Accordingly, those selected will be asked to send 3 to 4-page summary of their contributions to the other members of their workshop (by September 15ᵗʰ), to follow the entire conference, and to participate as a “discussant” in another workshop than the one of their contribution (and therefore to read in advance the documents that will be sent to them for this purpose).
Those interested in participating should submit an abstract of 500-750 words and a current C.V. to Junaid Quadri (jquadri@uic.edu) or Sam Fleischacker (fleischert@sbcglobal.net) by October 15. Word or PDF file formats only. Please prepare abstracts for anonymous review.
Notification will be made by November 15 at the latest. If your abstract is selected, we will cover your accommodation and meals at the conference. We also expect to cover travel expenses for 2 or 3 participants (graduate students will be favored for this.)
The Chopin Competition is the most important musical event in Poland and one of the most important musical events in the world. Apart from its huge role in popularising Chopin's music, it discovers the greatest pianistic talents, providing young musicians with the most effective start in their international career. It is a source of multicultural polarisation, which the world observes in various interpretations of the music of the brilliant composer.
Sharq Taronalari is one of the largest musical and cultural festivals in Central Asia. Held every two years in Samarkand’s Registan Square since 1997, this festival brings together the most talented singers, dancers, and musicians to celebrate art from around the world. Sharq Taronalari is recognized in the UNESCO International Cultural Events list, and is a popular event for those looking to learn more about Uzbekistan and its heritage.
The Center for European & Mediterranean Affairs organizes the 15 th Annual International Conference on Mediterranean Studies, 11-14 April 2022, Athens, Greece sponsored by the Athens Journal of Mediterranean Studies. The aim of the conference is to bring together academics and researchers from all areas of Mediterranean Studies, such as history, arts, archaeology, philosophy, culture, sociology, politics, international relations, economics, business, sports, environment and ecology, etc. For more information, please send an email to ATINER’s ICT Department (it-dept@atiner.gr)
Canadian Music Week is Canada’s leading annual entertainment event dedicated to the expression and growth of the World music, media and entertainment industries. Combining multifaceted information-intensive conferences; a trade exposition; awards shows and the nation’s largest new music festival which spans 4 nights of performances May 18 -21 hundreds of bands at more than 40 live music venues in downtown Toronto.
Midem’s mission is to help build the modern and innovative music business of tomorrow by boosting the industry’s expertise and leveraging creativity and talent on a global scale.
We collaborate with key institutions and associations and gather the leaders and inspirers of tomorrow's music community to nurture new ideas and offer participants extensive networking opportunities.