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Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the Holy Quran

Product - 2
View 0|September 30, 2020

Product Info

Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the Holy Quran
This center was established in 2013 in the Academic Center for Education, Culture and Research is an Iranian public non-governmental higher education institution. The important departments are:
Quran and Educational Sciences Research dept. Quran and Health Research dept., Religious Studies dept.

Contact Info

Web Adress:
Email Address:
PhoneNumber: 02166485663

What Others Say


مرکز مطالعات ميان رشته اي قرآن کريم

محصول - 2
نمایش 0|۹ مهر ۱۳۹۹

اطلاعاات محصول

اطلاعات تماس

وب سایت:
پست الکترونیک:
تلفن تماس: 02166485663

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Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the Holy Quran

Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the Holy Quran

1 Products
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Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the Holy Quran

Center for Interdisciplinary Studies of the Holy Quran

1 محصولات
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