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Full-length mirror: Statements by Ayatollah Haeri Shirazi about Imam Hussein (as) and the Ashura event

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View 0|January 01, 2016

Product Info

The present book is a lecture on the sayings of Ayatollah Haeri Shirazi with the focus on Ashura, which is presented in this book in a coherent manner.
In this book, which is presented in seven chapters with the focus on Ashura, topics such as Husseini insight, lessons of Ashura, factors of Ashura event, consequences of Ashura event, in mourning of the martyrs, pilgrimage of Imam Hussein (AS) and Islamic Revolution in the light of Ashura Is charged.

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آينه تمام قد: بيانات آيت الله حائري شيرازي درباره امام حسين (ع) و واقعه عاشورا

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نمایش 0|۱۱ دی ۱۳۹۴

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