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Semi-annual Journal of Islam and Management

Product - 2
View 0|March 14, 2021

Product Info

Semi-annual Journal of Islam and Management is an open-access, double-blind, peer-reviewed journal published by Research Institute of Hawzah and University (RIHU), the leading research institute in Islamic Humanities and Social Sciences in Iran. Islam and Management has been established as the first scientific publication in the field of Islamic management in Iran to provide an intellectual platform for national and international researchers working on issues related to management with emphasis on Islamic approaches. Journal of Islam and Management publishes original research papers on the latest developments in all the fields of management with strong emphasis on originality and scientific quality. It is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes original research articles in all areas related to Islamic management. Working on principles, foundations and problems of management from the perspective of Islam is its most prominent task so that it is in its way towards achieving the scientific – research ranking from the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology. Based on its objectives, tasks and missions to develop and strengthen scientific relations with scholars of both Hawzah and university and to promote Islamic management, RIHU publishes JIM in accordance with the criteria set forth in the regulations which validate scientific research based journals, magazines and publications proclaimed by MSRT.
To allow for easy and worldwide access to the most updated research findings, the journal is set to be an open-access journal. Yet, the journal does not charge any fee for reviewing, processing, and publishing research papers from the authors or from the research institutes and organizations. All the mentioned processes for paper publication are sponsored by the Research Institute of Hawzah and University Press.
The journal is published in both a print version and an online version.
All submitted manuscripts are checked for similarity through a trustworthy software named Hamyab to be assured about its originality and then rigorously peer-reviewed by the international reviewers.

Contact Info

Email Address:
PhoneNumber: 32111235

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فصلنامه اسلام و مديريت

محصول - 2
نمایش 0|۲۴ اسفند ۱۳۹۹

اطلاعاات محصول

اطلاعات تماس

پست الکترونیک:
تلفن تماس: 32111235

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