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Ashura, Rites, Meaning: A collection of sociological articles on the most important rituals meaningful to the life of Shiites

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View 0.0|January 01, 2017

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In fact, the mourning rituals of Ashura have been performed regularly over the past centuries, in order to preserve a number of religious concepts and values, which in principle, to transfer to the Shiite community and to strengthen it to face the difficulties of social life and Overcoming enemies has been a stimulus for action, and Shiite imams have always emphasized its implementation. This ritual has always been the basis and stimulus of many social, political and cultural changes in Shiite communities. Of course, this was possible due to the power of these rituals in creating a strong and strong religious faith and feeling among the mourning believers. Since the Shiite religion has been the official and dominant religion of Iranians for many years, the mourning rituals of Ashura are naturally one of their long-standing concerns.

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عاشورا، شعائر، معنا: مجموعه مقالات جامعه شناختي درباره مهم ترين آداب معنادار زندگي شيعيان.

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