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Satin of Ghadir and Ashura: Historical geography of the era of Amir al-Momenin and Sayyid al-Shuhada

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View 0|January 01, 2013

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Ghadir and Ashura are two great and prominent events in the history of Islam. In the first incident, the continuation of the mission is announced and the second incident is a jihad against the return and deviation that occurred in the tradition of the Prophet (PBUH). Between these two incidents, another incident took place, and that was the four-year caliphate of Amir al-Mu'minin (AS). The study and analysis of these three student events has always been the concern of Shiite scholars and many works have been published about them.

The Research Institute of Hadith Sciences and Education has published two collections entitled "The Encyclopedia of Amir al-Mu'minin (AS)" and "The Encyclopedia of Imam Hussein (AS)". In these two collections, the dimensions of the life of these two Imams are introduced, citing the oldest sources and along with deep and new analyzes. One of the innovations of these two works is the design and compilation of maps for the life events of Imam Ali (AS) and Imam Hussein (AS); Maps related to the Ghadir incident, the caliphate of Amir al-Mu'minin (AS) and the Ashura incident.

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ساتين غدير و عاشورا: جغرافياي تاريخي عصر اميرالمومنين و سيد الشهدا

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