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Reading the history of Karbala: Fourteen Ashura assemblies

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View 0|January 01, 2015

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The present book is a part of the discussions about "re-reading the history of Karbala" and the issues related to the ruler of the martyrs and Sayyid Mazluman Aba Abdullah Al-Hussein (AS), which have been expressed in the program "Side of God" by Master Husseini Qomi.
The titles of the fourteen chapters of the book are: the causes of the decline of the people of Kufa, resurrection in Karbala, deviation in recognizing the caliph of the Prophet (PBUH), investigation of the crimes of the Umayyads, investigation of Imam Reza (AS) sermon in Mina, review of Imam Hussein (AS) to Mu'awiyah, The roots of Ashura in Nahj al-Balaghah, the incident of Karbala in the eyes of Sunni elders, the messages and messengers of Ashura, the role of women in Karbala, Ashura and mourning, Arbaeen Sayyid al-Shuhada (AS).

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